Swap Solana with Banano on Kuyumcu!

Trade Banano with SOL! Exciting news for our community - Kuyumcu now supports a new pair: SOL/BAN! You can now easily swap in between SOL and Banano. Here’s why you...

Swap BAN/USDT (Polygon network) on Kuyumcu!

Trade Banano with USDT on the Polygon network! Kuyumcu has now a new pair: BAN/USDT! Now you can easily swap in between USDT with Banano. USDT token address: polygonscan.com/token/0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F Banano...

Notice of Removal of Monero

Notice of Removal of Monero Dear nano.trade users, We regret to inform you that the Monero/Nano swap on our platform has been discontinued. Please explore other available swaps on nano.trade...

Moons are on the mainnet!

What happened to Moons? Initially, Moons were on the Rinkeby network. Then, it moved to a private Arbitrum network. Now, Moons are on the mainnet (Arbitrum Nova Chain)! Here’s the...

Swap Monero (XMR) with Nano!

Swap Monero (XMR) with Nano on monero.nano.trade! With our service monero.nano.trade (Kuyumcu): You’ll experience a pretty fast trade! You don’t have to log in or sign up. We provide a...